Friday, April 1, 2011

Ces't La Vie- Song by Jenice

I came across this video & I thought it was mad dope, so knowing me I had to post this on the blog nd give it its shine. She's pretty talented y'all, I feel like if she took this full force she could be on our TV screens LOL. She already got the look so i doubt it would be real hard for her. Raps & sings!?! She already knows the winning formula of today, that Drizzy, Cudi, Cole. LOL

The boy Andre Sams (formally known as Mr. ThirsTy) needs to get at this nd try to make a track with her musically on his new tape, whether it be a verse, singing a hook, or background vocals. Agree!?!

Also, check more of her videos on her own YouTube page by clicking HERE

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