Thursday, November 3, 2011

Floyd Mayweather Jr. Snaps on Larry Merchant after Ortiz Fight (Video)

I finally get to see this & the knockout and this guy Mayweather is a hat full of jokes LOL. Like how Merchant asks him to explain what happened when they replay the video with Mayweather just doing it effortlessly with swag hahaha. Niggas got mad at each other right here wasn't expecting all that, little did I know Merchant and Mayweather always had resentment toward each other; here's a BONUS vid of another one of their post fight interviews

1 comment:

  1. saw those interviews but not the vid with floyd at a manny fight with a hard on! lol whoever made this vid, obviously is a mastermind at being jokes. About time you saw that knockout ish had me laughing for days possible one of the greatest funniest moments in boxing history just cuz how the interview went after, no regret from floyd he was with it ahah
